Exaptation, Nature’s Way to Bridge Past and Future

Reading Time: 7 minutes Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic. Frank Herbert – Dune  Exaptation, a term coined by palaeontologists Stephen Jay Gould and Elisabeth Vrba, refers to repurposing a trait during evolution. Initially serving one specific function, a trait can be co-opted for a different purpose. Charles Darwin was the first to propose that a trait’s function can evolve and change over time. This idea was initially referred to as “preadaptation”. However, because …

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Changing the Face of War – Sir Harold Gillies and the Origins of Modern Reconstructive Surgery

Reading Time: 6 minutes [Describing World War I] Only one village in all of France escaped without losing at least one of its citizens. This explains why, even in the tiniest of villages, there is a monument honouring those who were killed in the war. Every year, wreaths are laid, and ceremonies are held. Wherever we went, people kept returning to one theme: the extraordinary amount of blood that had been shed. “World War II,” they would say. “Oh, it was terrible, but it was nothing compared to …

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How Joseph Lister’s Visionary Approach Changed Modern Medicine

Reading Time: 5 minutes Until the middle of the nineteenth century, surgery was nothing more than butchering services provided by barbers or people with no formal medical training (some were even illiterate), which performed tooth extractions, bloodletting, enemas, and amputations without a thorough understanding of either human anatomy or infection causes. No wonder hospitals were called Houses of Death, where mushrooms and maggots thrived in dirty sheets and, sometimes, the flesh of patients. Most patients were tortured in surgeries until they died or miraculously survived. As there were no …

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How Do People Change Their Minds? 

Reading Time: 3 minutes In theory, the formula for changing our minds should be simple. We change our minds when we come across new information from credible and trustworthy sources that contradict our existing beliefs. But we tend to forget that Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings. Physicist Richard Feynman And so, because of the weight we give to our beliefs, feelings, or biases, changing a person’s mind can’t be solved through formulaic approaches. We may need help seeing what we can’t or …

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